The New Through the Roof Podcast - March 2014
Philippa Lomas, our Youth Ambassador, has recorded a new podcast, featuring interviews with our CEO, Tim Wood, and our newest member of staff, Training Resources Developer, Ros Dakin. Take a listen, and find out what's going on at TTR. The file is an 8MB MP3, downloadable from the site, or follow the instructions below to get all of TTR's audio directly by podcast.
- Follow this link to download March's Through the Roof Podcast.
- Follow this link to visit our Podcast page on iTunes, and subscribe to receive it as soon as it's released
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Wheels at Work - Latif's Story
Here's the fourth and final of Phil Green's videos from Uganda. In this one, we look at Latif's story, and see how the team work to find just the right wheelchair for his needs.
Wheels for the World - Latifs' Story from Philip Green on Vimeo.
'No Turning Back!' - Our Spring 2014 Newsletter

Our Spring 2014 Vital Link is now available for download. This issue takes a look at recent work in Moldova and Ghana, welcomes two new members of staff, catches up with some supporters, and plenty more. Take a look!
Please note - the PDF also contains our latest product order form, and a leaflet about leaving a legacy to TTR
Follow this link to download the Spring 2014 Vital Link Newsletter as a PDF
Please get in touch (on 01372 749955 or by following this link to email us) if you have any problems downloading this, or if you’d like to receive future newsletters by post or email.
'Love in Abundance' - March 2014 Come Fishing
Here's the March 2014 'Come Fishing' recording from Jenny Edwards and DCF - an hour full of music, prayer, inspiration, stories and news, to entertain and inspire.
Photo 'Daydream' is by Robert S. Donovan, used under Creative Commons License 2.0. Available from
Enabling Church 2014 - 3rd June

Tickets are now available for the next Enabling Church conference, to be held at Bethel Convention Centre, Kelvin Way, West Bromwich, B70 7JW on 3rd June. For more details and to buy tickets, please go to the Churches for All website by following this link.
How can my church …
- Face the challenge of dementia?
- Enable disabled people?
- Include Deaf people?
- Support carers?
Every local church needs to become an ‘enabling church’ that welcomes, includes and involves people with dementia, disability, deafness, their families and those that care for them. The programme involves a majority of speakers with direct experience of a range of disabilities, either themselves or with close family members.
International Missions in 2014

Wheels for the World and Integr8 will be undertaking several mission trips this year. Please get in touch with Reninca at Through the Roof to find out more.
- 2 - 12 April - Wheels for the World trip to Kimilili, Kenya - FULL
- 4 - 14 May - Integr8 trip to Elburgon, Kenya - FULL
- 11 - 21st June - Wheels trip to Kosovo - Still some spaces
- 20 - 27th Sept - Integr8 trip to Moldova - Still some spaces
More trips are in the planning stages, and we'll update this page once we have more details.
Wheels at Work - The Kakunyu School
Here's the third of Phil Green's videos from the Wheels distribution in Uganda. This time he's focussing on the Kakunyu school.
Wheels for the World - Kakunyu School from Philip Green on Vimeo.