TTR at Christmas

The Through the Roof office will be closed from around midday on Friday 23rd December until Tuesday 3rd January. Please leave any messages on the answerphone (01372 749955) or email, and we'll respond just as soon as we're all back. We'd like to thank you for all of your support, involvement and friendship over 2011, and hope you have a very happy Christmas!
Photo by Flickr user dystopos.
Families with disabled children left isolated

A shocking new report says that three out of every four families with a disabled child are being left isolated. Contact-a-Family – a charity supporting families with disabled children - found that 72% of these families experience anxiety, depression or breakdown, with almost half (49%) asking their GP for medication or see a counsellor.
The report says that families with disabled children experience isolation through a lack of social interaction, caused by not having the time or money to work and do normal family activities. Families also fear how people might react to them when they go out with their child. The resulting stress leads to 1 in 5 families or marriages breaking up.
Commenting on Premier Radio about the report, Tim Wood, Through the Roof’s CEO said that the government is not doing enough to help, “I know a mum on her own with a severly autistic daughter who can’t even get one night of respite a month because the council cut the number of available places.” He hopes that Christians and churches will respond positively to the report by showing Jesus’ love and acceptance by reaching out: “It’s not rocket science – just being there for someone, to listen, pray and maybe to offer a meal or to look after siblings can be a great help.”
Through the Roof’s youth programme, Integr8, is planning to help families by offering an ‘Integr8 Encounter’ through churches to bring together young people with and without disabilites to find friendship, learn new skills and do activities together in a supportive environment.
Have you struggled with any of the issues highlighted in the report? Why not comment on our Facebook page?
You can read about the report, and listen to an excerpt from Tim's comments on Premier news by visiting the Premier website through following this link
Photo taken from Flickr user studiostoer - see their photostream by following this link.
Our Autumn 2011 Newsletter

The latest Vital Link newsletter (for November to March) is now available. Follow this link to download the PDF Autumn/Winter 2011 Vital Link Newsletter.
Please get in touch (on 01372 749955 or by following this link to email us) if you have any problems downloading this, or if you'd like to receive future newsletters by post or email.
Wheels for the World in Ghana - latest news

Yesterday's distribution at Hohoe saw 84 disabled people receive wheelchairs or other mobility aids, and 16 of those making prayers of commitment. After a 14 hour day our exhausted team had a fish supper before getting some well-deserved sleep ready for setting off early today with another lorry load of wheelchairs, this time to Akacsi.
UPDATE - 02/12/11
We recieved a text from the team this morning, as they began their journey home. After 3 days distribution (and a final 15-and-a-half-hour working day!), they've given out all the chairs, and only have some childrens things + mobility aids remaining. These will be distributed by our contacts in the country. There is still great need in the area, but the mission was accomplished.
We're really grateful to our Wheels volunteers for working so hard on this trip, particularly after red tape delayed the arrival of the wheelchairs. Thank you too to all those who've been supporting the team with prayer during the trip.