Wheelsblog -- Uganda 2019, Day 1

The Wheels for the World team are in Moyo, Uganda from the 5th to the 15th June. We'll be bringing you their stories and news as often as the internet connection allows. Here's the first report, covering their travel, plans, and settling in. Please keep praying for the team!
6 June
After waking at 05:00 in Entebbe we were taken to the airport, where we checked in after a thorough bag search and weigh in. We had bread and banana and hard boiled eggs for breakfast whilst waiting for the flight. We took off in a Cessna and flew first to Gulu where we refuelled and then onto Moyo flying over some refugee camps en route.
We landed safely at the airstrip in Moyo, and were met by some of the HHA team who took us to the Multipurpose Training Centre where we are to stay whilst in Moyo. We were shown to our rooms which are twin bedded rooms in a separate block.
The weather today has been overcast with the occasional shower and clap of distant thunder.
Unfortunately the container delivery has been delayed in Kampala, due to there being Bank Holidays this week, but we are hopeful that it will be delivered on Friday evening or Saturday morning. We therefore have a “spare” day tomorrow when we are going to split into teams with the pastors running disability awareness training for pastors and church members in the camps and the therapists and techies doing home visits to potential clients.
After lunch, we walked into the town to orientate the team. At the market we bought foam mattresses, water and food for lunch, checked out the hardware store and some of the ladies bought fabric and Lynne ordered a dress.
We decided to buy a variety of mattress thicknesses as found a store that did a good deal for us.
Whilst we were in town we were joined by Michael, a children’s worker from Kenya, who has done four previous Wheels trips and had travelled by road from Kenya over the last two days. Pastor Shadrack has also joined us from Tanzania as he is hosting a Wheels and Churches Inc trip in October and is on a fact finding mission with us.
The day hasn’t turned out as we originally planned, but God has the overview and we have seen God at work, for example, we were concerned about our excess luggage on the small plane, but we discovered that a couple travelling in the plane with us had lost their luggage on the way to Africa and so we were able to use their allowance at no cost to us.