Shop online to raise funds for Through the Roof!

Shop online to raise funds for Through the Roof!
TheGivingMachine is a not for profit, social enterprise helping shoppers like you generate free cash donations for the causes they want to support, every time they shop online. Once you've signed up and selected Through... read more »

Recycle for TTR
Please recycle your empty printer inkjet cartridges and mobile phones for us. It's a really simple way of raising funds towards our work - Just sign up to Recycle4Charity, order your free envelopes,... read more »

'London to Brighton' and back?!
Supporter, Angie Wickenden, is aiming to cycle the equivalent of London to Brighton in order to raise funds for Wheels for the World and Disability Initiative (another Surrey-based disability charity). Each day throughout June teams will be using MOTOmed... read more »

Christmas is coming!
We would encourage you to consider buying Christmas cards and gifts this year from Just Cards Direct. Just Cards Direct sells handmade cards and gifts from Africa as well as their own ranges of printed... read more »

"Two Weeks for TTR" is on the way...
Two months today, 14th August, marks the start of our awareness and fundraising initiative, Two Weeks for TTR. We’ve planned it for the fortnight leading up to the Paralympics – a great opportunity to raise the profile of disability in general as well as... read more »

Flowstore Football Fundraiser
Wheels supporters, Flowstore, recently held a morning of factory vs office staff 5-a-side football, organised by employees Ibby Hussain and Wayne Verrill. The fundraising idea was simple but effective - each player paid to take part,... read more »

Company sponsorship for Wheels
We are delighted to announce that Flowstore Systems Ltd will be helping to support our Wheels for the World programme. Staff, moved by images of disabled people crawling on the ground, have responded to the need for wheelchairs in Africa and will be... read more »

Two Wheels for Wheels
Meike Currie took part in the London to Brighton cycle ride on June 19th, raising over £500 for Wheels for the World. She cycled the route in 5 hours and 45 minutes, and managed to avoid all but one minute of rain. ... read more »

Greetings cards
Help provide justice, dignity and hope for disadvantaged people and raise funds for TTR at the same time! Just Cards Direct sell beautiful cards for all occasions, at reasonable prices, some with a Bible verse. Many of the cards are made by community projects in Africa. ... read more »

Big Band Fundraiser for Wheels - All Welcome!
Through the Roof is pleased to learn that Stardust Big Band will be holding a Charity Tea Concert in aid of Wheels for the World at Ruislip Manor Methodist Church, Torrington Rd, Ruislip Manor, HA4 0AS on Saturday, 29th January 2011 from 5pm-8pm. Tickets at... read more »