“We May Not Think As Quickly, But We Feel As Deeply” (Ros' Blog)

“We May Not Think As Quickly, But We Feel As Deeply” (Ros' Blog)
Two recent encounters give a painfully poignant insight into the reality of lockdown for people with significant learning disabilities. In the first, a young woman is visited by her mother for the first time in 15 weeks since the beginning of lockdown. The meeting... read more »

Online Event: 'Disabled People's Insights For The Church During Lockdown'
Online EventSaturday 20th June10.30 - 12.00Join us on Zoom This event is free, but places are limited: Please follow this link to register We are excited to invite you to our second UK-wide online event: Disabled people's insights for the church... read more »
Disability in the Bible
Does the Bible discriminate against disabled people, or are people who live with disability close to God’s heart? How did Jesus treat disabled people in the Bible, and in light of this, how should we respond as a Christian community to disabled people in church?... read more »