Upton Vale Baptist Church

Upton Vale Baptist Church

Every Sunday we run a group for adults with additional needs and their carers. We call it B2gether and it runs at the same time as the main service, starting at 10.30am.  We begin all together in the main service for a time of worship then go into our group where we chat over coffee, learn more about our faith, pray and sing together, and do craft, drama and other activities.   Our group is a loved and celebrated part of our congregation and contributions of readings and prayers by our members as part of our services are deeply appreciated by the fellowship.  We also have a Makaton signer in the main service most weeks signing some of the songs.  Our Church building has an accessible entrance and accessible toilets.  

Disability Champion: Barbara Sumner

Website: www.uptonvale.org.uk

Upton Vale Baptist Church
St Marychurch Road
Castle Circus
Torquay Devon TQ1 3HY