Cromer Church with St Martin’s
We are an Anglican Church in the centre of Cromer with our sister church St Martin’s being nearby on the Suffield Park estate. With our ideal location in the centre of the community we welcome many people to our church throughout the year and work very closely with the town council on a range of community activities and initiatives. We have a very active ministry with families and work closely with the three schools in town. We are an evangelical church, firmly rooted in Bible teaching and preaching.
St Martin’s Church is nearby at Mill Road Cromer Norfolk
Disability Champion: Churchwardens
Killicomaine Community Church
A very community based, expression of church. Relaxed, informal and relational but very serious about following Jesus.
Contact: Jim Fleming
Bodmin Light and Life Church
We are a small, friendly and dynamic church which reflects the community of which we are a part. We have a wide range of people who attend, and are united by our love for Jesus and a desire to see him impact lives for good.
Contact: Jon Langford
All Saints' Sidmouth
Multi-generational orthodox evangelical Anglican church.
Disability Champion: Mary Parkes
The Hill Church
We are a church that is passionate about reaching people for Jesus Christ.
Disability Champions: Dave and Dawn Bishop
Newcastle University Christian Union
Newcastle University Christian Union (NUCU) is a group of Christian students at Newcastle University that join together to share the message of Jesus Christ on campus. We firmly believe that God wants to know us each personally, and we hope – and pray – that He can work through us to reach all students on university campus and show them how amazing He is.
Disability Champion: Kitty Costain
Chapel Field Road Methodist Church
Swan Bank Church
We are a growing church which means we seek to grow in faith, in our relationship with Jesus and in our understanding of what it means to be followers of Jesus – this is really important to Swan Bank.
We grow too in opportunities to be active in our local community and the wider world as we believe that part of being a welcoming church is seeking ways to reach out to others with acts of kindness, help and love.
We are committed to identifying and breaking down barriers so that disabled people are able to be fully included in all aspects of the life of Swan Bank church.
Disability Champion: Sue Simcoe
St Saviour's Sunbury
We are a medium sized Anglican church with about 150 people attending on a Sunday. We have several services - The 10 is a more modern style, The 4 is a service aimed at 11-25 year olds which has a time of discussion and a short talk, The 6 is an informal service with a time of extended worship and Oasis is our midweek traditional service with communion. There is some accessible parking available and a ramp that leads into the building. We have copies of the NIrV Accessible Bible available in both church and youth groups. The youth group also has a visual timetable and fidget toys. Seats are reserved at the front for anyone who prefers to sit closer to the stage. There are also a number of screens around the building so everyone can see the song words and speaker. Several of the youth and children's team have attended a diocesan training seminar on additional needs and training for the rest of the staff team is being planned. We have several members of the church who have additional needs helping on various teams. As a church, we aim to welcome everyone and are working towards being more accessible.
Disability Champion: Lynnette Peckett
Hope Church
Non-denominational Christian fellowship, recently moved into a purpose-built building, which is accessible and welcoming to all, and we aim to be an inclusive church.
Disability Champion: Sue Morrall
Website on the way soon