Carrickfergus Vineyard Church

Carrickfergus Vineyard Church

Welcome to Carrickfergus Vineyard Church!
Our journey began in October 2010 with a small group of people who longed for the church to be a place of hope where lives could be changed by the love of God, and for this to overflow into our town and community.

We are grateful that we are a church where lives are changing. A place where people can come as they are but don’t stay as they are. A place where people are giving their yes to God, experiencing life in a new way and generously giving it away to those around them.

Disability Champion: Deena Nimick

St Luke’s Church Colchester

Disability Champion: Diana Benge-Abbott


The Life Project (Bath)

We are a Bath based charity working with and supporting adults with learning disabilities. Our vision is for an inclusive world in which people with learning disabilities know they belong and our mission is to create and model supportive community for people with learning disabilities, their families and carers.
The values of The Life Project (Bath) – creative, inclusive, enabling, community – are at the heart of who we are and what we do. These values have strong roots in Christian teaching and practice, whilst also being accessible and meaningful for all – regardless of background. We believe that every person is unique – fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:4) – and is a valuable gift to the world and our community.
Our primary services are:
- Day Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities
- Family Support for Parents and Carers
- Springs - a fellowship group for adults with learning disabilities sharing faith and community
- Socials for all the family
Find out more on our website or get in touch
Disability Champion: Rich Blake-Lobb

Vineyard Church Cardiff

We are a church captivated by Jesus and are on the journey of learning to live like Him. We are a multisite church (one church that meets in multiple locations across the city).

Disability Champions: Claire Speirs or Katie Mobbs

Grace Church Nottingham

Grace Church is a modern, vibrant church based in Nottingham’s city centre made up of normal people from all walks of life. We exist to build a thriving, Jesus-centred community where everyone is welcome!

Disability Champion: Lydia Ward

St Ann's Church Tottenham

St Ann’s is a community of ordinary people who love an extraordinary God. We are a part of the Diocese of London in the Church of England. We seek to make everyone welcome. We are the parish church of this vibrant community, and we love Tottenham!

Disability Champion: Geraldo Eghan

Portholme LEP Selby

Portholme Church is a Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP) between Selby United Reformed Church and Selby Methodist Church.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to express the visible unity of the church, worshipping and working together to serve and minister to the needs of all and to nurture our existing membership so that we are better equipped to facilitate the acceptance into faith of those who seek the Lord Jesus Christ.

Disability Champion: Claire Nutt

Knighton Free Church

Disability Champion: Ruth Kerr


St. Bartholomew's Church

Grade 1 medieval church. The church is full of museum quality artifacts including rare wall paintings. St. Bart's sits in the centre of a caring rural community. The church has wheelchair access, internal ramps, a loop system and books for the visually impaired. The community have formed a 'Friends of Brisley Church' group to help save the building. St. Bart's is on the English Heritage 'at risk' list. We need to raise over £300,000 to rescue the building. The Rector of the church takes a service one Sunday a month, he has 10 other churches to look after in the Benefice. We hold additional services with the support of retired clergy. The church supports the local food bank. There is a lending library and a local history resource centre in the church. The church supports a number of local events, including holding creative arts festivals and music evenings.

Disability Champion: Mary Carden

Reynard Way Church

Reformed in Doctrine, Baptist in Practice and Evangelical in Outlook. Reynard Way Church is a community of God’s people who meet to worship God by listening to Bible teaching, praying and sharing in fellowship together.

Disability Champion: Karen Sandall