St Basil the Great (Bassaleg)

St Basil the Great (Bassaleg)

Part of Tredegar Park Ministry Area - a cluster of five Anglican churches (Church in Wales), operating to the west of Newport, in South East Wales.

Contact: Revd. Julia Durham


Stoneleigh Baptist Church

We are a congregation of approx 80 - 100 on a Sunday with childrens groups available during Sunday services.
We have a cafe on a Tuesday morning, toddlers group and childrens club weekly, Messy Church once a month. Plus opportunities to meet together in smaller groups during the week.
All are welcome.

Disability contact: Paula Smith  or Dominic Moran


St.Peter's, Milton and Mead Vale

St.Peter's has a totally intergenerational ethos across all services. Everyone worships together, all the time. Children remain with their adult throughout and are free to use any of the toys, books, fidgets or activities available, and can move about freely.

The church has
- flat access at all entrances and a ramp at the chancel step.
- an accessible toilet
- hearing loop
- visual timetables for each service
- fidget toys available
- people are welcome to move around during a service as needed
- everyone sits at tables, which always have a variety of drawing materials, word searches, colouring, plain paper available to use freely.
- ear defenders available
- sharing the peace is optional and the congregation is gently reminded not to hug or touch those who may find the experience uncomfortable.

Everyone is welcome, and the church will do it's best to meet needs and be supportive.

Contact: Barbara Hase


Grace Evangelical Church

Traditional church services, with hymns and a sermon, are held at 10.30am and 5.30pm on Sundays. We also hold a prayer meeting on Tuesday evenings at 7pm. There is a ladies meeting on the second Sunday of the month from 2pm to 4pm, with an activity (craft, quiz, etc), tea/coffee and biscuits, and a talk on a biblical topic. Large print bibles and hymn books are available. British Sign Language interpreting is regularly provided for the ladies meetings and on request at other times. The venue is fully accessible for wheelchair users.

Contact for access issues: Shirley David (07971 299449)


Toll Gavel United Church (Methodist/URC)

Our mission is: To be a flourishing, visible and accessible Christian presence in the town centre, sharing faith through worship, and service to the local community.


Contact: Elaine Turner


St Mary and All Saints, Goodshaw with St John, Crawshawbooth

Accessible church.

Contact: Gillian and Chich Hewitt

Brackley Methodist Church

A base for Brackley Methodist Church, Covid Vaccination Centre, Warm Spaces, Lunches for the Community, Rock Choir

Contact: Sara Cliff

Lea Road Community Church (URC)

We are a diverse and inclusive church of ordinary folks, drawn together in fellowship and the love we know in Jesus. In response to this love, we are committed to serve our community in his name.

It doesn't matter where you come from, what you wear, or what your circumstances, if you come to us in kindness and openness, you are welcome at Lea Road Community Church [URC].


Contact: Stephanie Twilley


St Peter’s Church

Anglican Church led by vicar who has a disability.

contact: John Naude


Derby City Church/ All In

All In - monthly accessible service for those with physical, learning disabilities and additional needs


Contact: Phoebe Owen
