Holy Trinity Guernsey

Holy Trinity Guernsey

We have been working hard over the past 18 months to be intentional about trying to make sure everyone feels like they belong.  We have introduced a sensory room for the children who need a place to regulate and are continuing work to be mindful of the needs of others and accommodating that where we can for both adults and children.  Sarah Couchman and Helen Sheppard are both members of staff at Holy Trinity Church. Sarah heads up this initiative and began a lovely fellowship group at one of our supported living accommodations on the Island.  This fellowship group is an accessible group and we currently have around 20 wonderful neurodiverse attendees and carers that come along fortnightly on a Monday.  Helen helps with this group and also works with the Children's pastor as sensory support for neurodiverse children. 

Disability Contacts: Sarah Couchman or Helen Sheppard

Website: holytrinity.org.gg

Vineyard Carlisle

We have a ministry to care for Carlisle and the people in it regardless of ethnic or diversity differences. We are multicultural.

Disability Contact: Rebecca Mullins

Website: carlislevineyard.com

The Dandelion Community, The United Reformed Church

A church and community hub working together on the site with: daily Community gym, weekly community meals, weekly warm welcome, drop in, age friendly activities, weekly carers group, book club, women’s group Tuesday evenings, men’s group Friday mornings.

Contact: Rev’d Kate Gray

Website: dandelioncommunity.org.uk

Hazel Grove Baptist Church

Sunday service 10.30-11.45am. 20 minutes of singing, a bible reading, 15-20 minute sermon, finishing with 2 songs. Live worship band
The service has all the songs signed in BSL
The service is live streamed.
On the first Sunday of the month there is a shorter quieter communion service at 6.30pm lasting around an hour followed by drinks if you want to after the service
We have two fidget bags with ear defenders for those who need them
We are wheelchair friendly and have several neurodivergent church members
We have a BSL choir that meets once a month
Causeway runs on the second Monday of the month which is for adults with learning disabilities to encounter Jesus, through drama, music, and more
Disability Contact: Samantha Bowden
Website:  hgbc.org.uk

Colchester Deaf Church

We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday at 3.30 pm. Our main language for communication is BSL, but all deaf people welcome. We have an informal service where everyone can contribute.

Contact Person: Diana BengeAbbott

Website: chelmsford.anglican.org

New Malden Baptist Church

We are a group of ordinary people on a journey exploring, experiencing and expressing the heart of God.

What you will find at NMBC:
- People from every stage and walk of life.
- Hear messages from the Bible, relevant to faith and everyday life.
- Contemporary, lively and reflective praise & worship.
- A place to pray.
- Ways to connect and reach out.
- That you matter to God and to us!

Disability Contact: Emma Parker

Website: nmbc.org.uk

White River Community Church

Approximately once every 6 weeks at 3pm we have an additional 'inclusive service'.  Dates can be found on our website. These services are accessible and fun and are suitable for all but especially for those with additional needs. They are Informal, lively, creative, and easy to understand. We are friends of Count Everyone In.

Disability Contact: Barbara Collings

Website: wrcchurch.org.uk

St Mary's Church

St Mary's Church can be read about here on the link provided.

We have a childrens sensory area at the back of church.
Church services can be accessed by wheelchair users following the path from the Sandbach Crosses between Godfrey Williams delicatessen & Essence Beauty Salon & St Mary's Church Hall. The path is lit in the dark.

Disability Contact: Sally Coles-Robertson PCC

Website: stmaryschurchsandbach.org/

Capel Goleudy / Lighthouse Church

We are a bilingual English/Welsh church which is inclusive of everyone. We welcome visitors with any disabling conditions and we will seek to make any necessary accommodation. We are evangelical, mildly charismatic, friendly and we love kids, expecting them to be lively and noisy! Our Mission Statement is: Following Jesus, Building Community, Loving Anglesey / Dilyn Iesu, Adeiladu Cymuned, Caru Môn.

Disability Contact: Paul Dicken

Website: lighthousechurchanglesey.org

Cornerstone Baptist Church

All-age All-action Church
Cornerstone is a great church for all ages.
We meet at 10:30am at John Hampden School, Park Street, Thame.
Great for kids with a large site, football pitches, play area, creche and Sunday School.
Lively teaching and worship, small groups and much more.

Disability Contact: Liz Francis

Website: cornerstonethame.org.uk