Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
A large town centre Baptist church with a mix of ages and nationalities. Sunday services; Busy children's ministry with Junior Church, mums and tots group and summer holiday club; Christians Against Poverty debt centre; community shop; small group ministry.
Contact: Linda Lemon
St Nicholas Church
Currently in the throes of installing an easy access lavatorywhich is wheelchair friendly. Also a permanent stone/concrete ramp at ratio 1" - 12" to replace temporary ramp. Churchyard lighting recently installed. We have been delayed by Covid and raising funding but the plans are in place and a contractor agreed. We are a small regular congregation 16- 20 average but some 100+ on electoral roll.
Contact: Judith Parkinson
Holy Trinity with St Columba, Fareham
Church of England parish. Recently signed up with the Inclusive Church network. Currently undergoing an accessibility audit (all delayed due to lockdowns etc!)
Contact: Rev Wendy-May Jacobs
St Peter's Chester
We are an open evangelical church at the city centre. St Peter's is a network of many communities. Our communities meet in different settings formed around a common interest, all with a heart to see the city of Chester transformed by God's love. We want St Peter’s to be a place of welcome where all people can be equipped and empowered. We believe that we are all made in the image of God, and as such all people are of equal importance and significance. We desire for all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ. Our aim is for all Church services and activities to be accessible for everyone. However, we are in an ancient grade 1 listed building in an elevated position. There is an access statement on our website.
Contact: Denise Noble
Holy Trinity Church Meanwood
Holy Trinity church Meanwood Leeds is in the Diocese of Leeds (Church of England). We welcome all adults and children at our main Sunday service at 10am. There is a creche for children and parents and also Kidz church. We have a lot of families attending our church and everyone is welcome.
Contact: Frances Needham
Peasley Cross URC
Small, mainly elderly congregation. Various Church and Community Groups including Messy Church. Worship - both traditional and contemporary - led by Minister and Lay Preachers/Elders
Contact: Rev Allison Claxton
Norbert Parish Church
Anglican church, with commitment to looking at Inclusive church and Echo church. Mixture of traditional and evangelical services. Large number of children and families. Large amount of congregation with disabilties. Keen to become more disability inclusion friendly and under are new vicar are starting the process of of what this looks like and how to deliver and be more activist in our community.
Contact: Sam Bowden
St Giles' & St George's Church, Ashtead
We are the parish Church of Ashtead, one Church in two locations, St George's and St Giles. In normal times we offer seven services a week with a wide range of styles, from very formal to very informal, we've got family services with activities for children.
Contact: Karen Goodridge
Haverhill Methodist Church
Large Methodist Church with a heart for the marginalized. Lantern Cafe is an active club for adults with a learning disability, currently closed because of Covid19 but will be re-opening when permission is given.
Contact: Charmaine Slade
Sutton Christian Centre
We are a lively, multi-ethnic Pentecostal church based in Sutton.
Contact: Tony Reynolds / Ric Adams