Thatcham Methodist Church
A town centre Methodist Church that welcomes everyone. Sunday worship at 10.30am. Vintage Adventure, our informal cafe style worship for the young at heart is usually held on 3rd Thursday of each month, 2.30-4.00pm and always includes homemade cakes!
We aim to be inclusive and dementia friendly. 'Fiddles' box available in church for anyone who finds that useful. Lightweight wheelchair available. Accessible toilet available. Level access to building. Large print hymn sheet available on request - usually printed in Arial 22 font. Hearing 'loop' system in the church.
Please let us know if you need anything to be different to help make worship accessible for you.
Disability Champion: Karen Frost
Strandtown Baptist Church
High Street Baptist Church
We are an inclusive church, welcoming and serving all, no matter what their economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, race, age or sexuality. We are a church that welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ and that seeks to proclaim the gospel to all.
Disability Champion: Sue Douthwaite
The Ark Church
The heart of the Ark church Belfast is to see people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He is still in the business of changing lives.
Disability Champion: Dorothea Mawhinney or Pastor Lee McClelland
Diocese of Exeter
We are the Church of England in Devon, and aim to support and promote inclusivity in churches and communities across the county. Please do get in touch if you would like to connect!
Disability Champion: Lydia Perris
Kings Community Church
A community Church with Baptist roots. Has a community centre. Aims to serve and reach out to the local community.
Disability Champion: Debbie White
Countess Free Church, Ely
Based in and around the city of Ely, we are a church in mission across the city. We seek to follow Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives, and to take the Kingdom life that Jesus brings across the city. We do this together, recognising the communal nature of God and the call to discipleship in community. Everyone big or small, young or old brings value, and we try to take everyone with us, at least as far as is possible in our human frailty. In short we are:
Seeking to Worship, Seeking to Serve
We want to see Kingdom Life across the city
We have a ministry for adults with additional needs or learning disabilities called Rich Tea Community which has monthly meetings on a Sunday afternoon, as well as mid-week meet-ups for small groups, and visits to care homes. For more information, please contact our disability champions.
Disability Champions: Annette Stuart, Cate Allen and Margaret Human
St Francis Valley Park Church
St Francis Church, Valley Park (comprising CofE, URC & Methodist) is set in the heart of a relatively new community, nestling between the local pub and a Primary school! We became a "PADI" church in 2022 and last year benefitted from an excellent Roofbreaker Zoom Training Session which opened our eyes further to inclusivity. Our latest exciting venture, set up by our Children & Families Minister, Hannah, is "Footprints", a weekly group (Tuesdays 10.30-12) for pre-schoolers with additional needs and their parents/carers. Our disability champions would love to link up with other Roofbreaker churches in our area.
Disability Champion: Christine Grew
Swanton Abbott Community Chapel
A friendly independent evangelical church in rural Norfolk, with a growing congregation, reaching out to the local community with the love of Jesus.
Contact: Jane Everard
Witard Road Baptist Church
We are a lively Baptist church located on the eastern edge of Norwich. We seek to be welcoming to all (including anyone with a disability of any kind), with a heart to serve God inspired by the Holy Spirit, so that lives may be transformed. The church is host to the Norfolk branch of Disabled Christian Fellowship which holds meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 2pm (except January) - anyone with a disability, and their relative or carer is very welcome.
Disability Champion: Michael Cary