Opportunities in the UK

Here’s an outline of opportunities to get involved in the work of Through the Roof in the UK.
To find out more about any of these opportunities, please contact Janet Eardley: janet@throughtheroof.org or ring 01372 749955.
In your own church/area
Be a ‘Roofbreaker’ (disability champion) in your own church –
playing your part in making sure that disabled people are fully welcomed and included in Christian life. Lots of free resources, training and support are available. Every church should have a Roofbreaker! Follow this link for more information on our Roofbreaker programme. -
Accessible holidays and retreats
Help on one of our accessible, supported group holidays or retreats in the UK, enabling times of fellowship – with a combination of organised activities and spiritual refreshment. Follow this link for more info on our holidays and retreats.
At the TTR warehouse
The Through the Roof warehouse in Aldershot is where wheelchairs and mobility aids are refurbished ready to be shipped to developing countries where our ‘Wheels for the World’ mission trips are taking place. Volunteers clean and get the wheelchairs and mobility equipment ready to go, then help to load them when it’s time for the container to arrive. It’s a place of great teamwork and lots of fun!
In the TTR office
Through the Roof’s office is in Morden, southwest London. It’s open Tuesday – Friday each week. If you have admin, computer or finance skills and think that you may be able to assist in the TTR office, please get in touch to find out more.
From your own home
We have several roles that you can get involved in from your own home. Helping with online pastoral or prayer groups, helping with projects through social media, subtitling videos, and home-based fundraising opportunities… to name just a few!
Get in touch to find out more, or to make your own suggestions too.
If you would like to find out more about any of these opportunities, contact Janet Eardley on janet@throughtheroof.org or ring 01372 749955.
- Go back to the main 'Get Involved' page
- See some reasons why you should get involved
- See our frequently asked questions about volunteering
- See our international opportunities
- Find out other ways to get involved
Interested? Follow this link to get in touch.