Disability Diaries - Jesus Was With Me

We hear from a disabled Christian whose name we won't share, who has spent a lot of time in hospital and not able to communicate. She feels the Lord wants her to reach others who feel trapped inside their own bodies - and encourage those who love someone who is trapped inside themselves. Here is her story.
Hospital story
"I have a degenerative neural condition. Sometimes I become semi-paralysed; I become mute and can't open my eyes. I'm totally aware of what's going on, but I am locked in.
One particular night, back again in hospital A&E, on a trolley, the Lord gave me an amazing gift. Suddenly, I 'saw' myself in my room. I couldn't see out of the window, the seat had fallen backwards, and I was on the floor, in the same position as I was on the trolley – paralysed.
Jesus within
Then I saw something so beautiful... The Lord's feet, and the hem of His gown. Right by me. It was almost as if there was a scented breeze from somewhere else. He was there – Jesus was with me. In my deepest place, a place within me that I never knew even existed.
This illness isn't easy, but perhaps the Lord has allowed it so that I can share with others that He is there, in the deepest places of your soul – if you love Him. I want to share what I know with those who look on.
A deeper relationship
There is an inner spiritual life with the Lord Jesus that transcends anything here in this world. If your loved one seems trapped in themselves, know that they continue to live in the Lord – even reach new levels with Him, perhaps, because of where and how they are. So don't be broken hearted. When it is just the soul, and Him, something very beautiful is growing.
Celebrate chronically ill and disabled people on Disability Awareness Sunday. Find out more at https://throughtheroof.org/forchurches/disability-awareness-sunday/