Behind the Scenes with Wheels

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  Behind the Scenes with Wheels

Behind the Scenes with Wheels

Our Wheels team has just begun a new distribution in Ho, Ghana, so we thought we'd bring you a little taster of some of the work that goes into getting the chairs to their destination. Here's a short video from August's container loading at... read more »

  What Do You Think?

What Do You Think?

Through the Roof want to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us. Please help us continue to make a positive difference by taking part in our short survey - we'd love to hear what you think! read more »

  Premier Disability Week

Premier Disability Week

Premier Radio held a 'Disability Week' in the first week of September 2013, coinciding with the Special Olympics event in Bath and the anniversary of the Paralympics. Follow this link to visit... read more »

  Tim Reflects on the Paralympics

Tim Reflects on the Paralympics

Our CEO, Tim Wood, recently appeared on the Torch Trust 'Reflections' radio show on Premier, speaking about the legacy (or not!) of the London Paralympic games. You can have a listen by downloading the file from their page: read more »

  Our New Newsletter!

Our New Newsletter!

Our Wheels for the World team has recently returned from a distribution in Mukono, Uganda, where they gave away the 8000th wheelchair ever distributed by Wheels. It’s an amazing accomplishment, but it’s only part of a fantastic distribution – read all about it in... read more »

  Elburgon – 15th July

Elburgon - 15th July

Here's another story from our distribution in Elburgon, Kenya, sent to us by Suzanne Millwood. I thought that having been to Kenya before and having worked with adults with physical disabilities, I would feel fairly equipped and prepared for my trip to Elburgon. This couldn’t... read more »

Elburgon Stories

From the 10th to 20th July 2013, a team from Wheels for the World will be distributing wheelchairs in Elburgon, Kenya. We've received a few stories and photos from them about the start of the trip, and will be adding more as they come... read more »

  Welcome to the Warehouse!

Welcome to the Warehouse!

Supporters and friends of Wheels for the World gathered with representatives of local churches to officially open the new Wheels warehouse in Aldershot on Thursday 28th June. International Missions Manager, Nigel Drury, spoke about the work of Wheels, and how the new warehouse would... read more »

  ‘London to Brighton’ and back?!

'London to Brighton' and back?!

Supporter, Angie Wickenden, is aiming to cycle the equivalent of London to Brighton in order to raise funds for Wheels for the World and Disability Initiative (another Surrey-based disability charity). Each day throughout June teams will be using MOTOmed... read more »

  Enable your Church

Enable your Church

If the London 2012 Paralympics changed the way we think about disability – what difference has it made to our churches? Come to the Enabling Church conferences, for exploration of a biblical perspective on disability and practical discussions about making your church’s ministry and... read more »