
Big Band Fundraiser for Wheels - All Welcome!
Through the Roof is pleased to learn that Stardust Big Band will be holding a Charity Tea Concert in aid of Wheels for the World at Ruislip Manor Methodist Church, Torrington Rd, Ruislip Manor, HA4 0AS on Saturday, 29th January 2011 from 5pm-8pm. Tickets at... read more »

Ashtead Charity Fair 2010
While the Wheels team were busily fitting wheelchairs in Nyeri, Kenya, the Ashtead fundraising team were raising money, this year totalling £643.09, at the Worldwide Charities Fair at St George’s Christian Centre. Michael from the TTR office manned the awareness stand... read more »

Summer Fun!
Delicious home baked scones and cakes were enjoyed at the Ashtead Wheels for the World Summer Garden Party this year, raising £521.50 for 'Wheels' distributions. The marquee was buzzing with conversation as tea was served by the faithful team of helpers. Raffle... read more »

A Triathalon for Haiti
Geoff Mace from Worcester Park recently ran, swam and biked a Triathlon to raise money for Wheels4Haiti. The event was a Sprint Triathlon, consisting of a 400 metre swim, followed by a 20 km cycle and then a 5km run. Geoff ran... read more »

Amazing Grace
Members of the Friends of Jesus group, Holy Trinity Church Redhill, have not allowed their own learning disabilities to prevent them from helping other disabled people. The group spent several months planning their 'Amazing Grace' fundraising evening which was held in June to raise... read more »

London to Brighton for Wheels
Meike Currie has been involved with Wheels for the World for many years. Since 2000, she's been to Albania, South Africa and many times to Kenya, working fitting chairs and seeing the lives of individuals and whole families changed through a wheelchair, the... read more »

Chris Grayling MP Gives a Helpful Push to Wheels for Haiti
Chris Grayling, MP and Shadow Home Secretary (at the time of writing), recently helped Christian disability charity Through the Roof launch an appeal for wheelchairs for Haiti. Speaking at an event supported by the Horton Golf Club in Epsom, Surrey on the 26th... read more »

Pupils raise money for Haiti
The pupils at Greville Primary School in Ashtead have raised £430 for 'Wheels 4 Haiti', a fund set up within Through the Roof's overseas programme 'Wheels for the World'. The monies raised by the school will sponsor ten much need wheelchairs. Pupils created collages of coins... read more »
Leaving a Legacy to TTR
Do you have the Will to change the Future? Do consider leaving a bequest to Through the Roof in your Will. A bequest to Through the Roof also includes the work of Disabled Christians Fellowship and Wheels for the World. Why write a... read more »

Tennis coach ‘serves’ Christian charity and claims world record
Middlesex tennis coach, Danny Sitton, recently battled through exhaustion and pain to raise £2500 for Integr8 – the disability youth programme of Through the Roof, and at the same time claimed an unofficial world record for tennis coaching of 32 hours non-stop. The event took... read more »