
Donate via JustGiving
If you'd like to make a one-off donation, sponsor one of our brilliant fundraisers, or set up a monthly payment via JustGiving please follow this link or click the button below. read more »

Tee Off for the TTR Golf Day
Through the Roof will be hosting a unique 4-in-1 golf day on Thursday 8th May at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club in Leatherhead. Come along and show off your skills, or enjoy a day of socialising with other players, all while raising funds for TTR's... read more »

Recycle for TTR
Please recycle your empty printer inkjet cartridges and mobile phones for us. It's a really simple way of raising funds towards our work - Just sign up to Recycle4Charity, order your free envelopes,... read more »

"Walk a mile in my shoes"
Carla and Sarah are two first year students at Queen’s University Belfast, both living at Derryvolgie Halls (part of the Presbyterian Chaplaincy) and enjoying university life. Carla has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a muscular condition that causes easy dislocation of her major joints. This and other... read more »

'London to Brighton' and back?!
Supporter, Angie Wickenden, is aiming to cycle the equivalent of London to Brighton in order to raise funds for Wheels for the World and Disability Initiative (another Surrey-based disability charity). Each day throughout June teams will be using MOTOmed... read more »

Christmas is coming!
We would encourage you to consider buying Christmas cards and gifts this year from Just Cards Direct. Just Cards Direct sells handmade cards and gifts from Africa as well as their own ranges of printed... read more »

Singing for Wheels
The Mothers Union of St Pauls Church, on the Isle of Wight, have been supporters of Wheels for the World for many years and recently invited The Phoenix Choir to perform a concert at the church to raise funds for Wheels. The Phoenix Choir was... read more »

Ideas and Inspiration...
Without your support in raising awareness and funds for us, we couldn't do what we do. Our new "Ideas and Inspiration" pack gives real examples of disabled people whose lives have been changed thanks... read more »

Charlotte's Cheviot Challenge!
Charlotte is taking on a big walking challenge to celebrate being well again after years of illness caused by ME/CFS. Please do read Charlotte's story and support her efforts for Wheels for the World! You can read and download the article at read more »

"Two Weeks for TTR" is on the way...
Two months today, 14th August, marks the start of our awareness and fundraising initiative, Two Weeks for TTR. We’ve planned it for the fortnight leading up to the Paralympics – a great opportunity to raise the profile of disability in general as well as... read more »