#MeToo (Ros' Blog)


  #MeToo (Ros’ Blog)

#MeToo (Ros' Blog)

In the past few days a hashtag has been trending all over social media. People, mainly women but a few men as well, have been posting #MeToo. The intention behind this has been to highlight the extent of the problem of sexual harassment and... read more »

A Covenant People (Ros' Blog)

“Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I... read more »

  After the Thank You – What Next? (Ros’ Blog)

After the Thank You – What Next? (Ros' Blog)

Well. We’ve had our thanksgiving service, a memorable and uplifting occasion. You can see some photos of it on our Facebook page, and it was great to see so many of our supporters there. So, what happens next? To answer this question, I’ve been... read more »

  The Sound of Many Waters (Ros’ Blog)

The Sound of Many Waters (Ros' Blog)

I took my daughter swimming after work yesterday (Basingstoke Aquadrome if anyone’s interested – fantastic place: height-adjustable changing bed, ceiling track and hoist, and a chair that wheels down a slope into the water for ease of getting in and out of the pool).... read more »

  Learning From History – The Church Can Lead The Way (Ros’ Blog)

Learning From History – The Church Can Lead The Way (Ros' Blog)

Once upon a time in Britain, disabled people lived with their families, in their communities, and were as much accepted in their homes and villages as everybody else. Those who could, helped with the family businesses – often farming smallholdings, selling produce or engaging... read more »

  The Words She Never Thought She’d Hear (Ros’ Blog)

The Words She Never Thought She’d Hear (Ros' Blog)

How much of a struggle was it for her to get to the synagogue that morning? To get up off her mattress on the floor and wrap herself in her clothes, to feel her way shuffling down the street and in through the doorway,... read more »

  Jesus as You’ve Never Thought of Him Before (Ros’ Blog)

Jesus as You’ve Never Thought of Him Before (Ros' Blog)

I had an interesting conversation the other day, which gave me a new perspective on a familiar Bible story. Someone had mentioned the fact that Zacchaeus was a noticeably small person, and speculated as to whether he might have had some condition such as... read more »

  All the Way My Saviour Leads Me (Ros’ Blog)

All the Way My Saviour Leads Me (Ros' Blog)

Those of you who receive Through the Roof’s weekly prayer email will be aware that my mother was recently called home to Heaven at the ripe old age of 87. As we met to plan her funeral, my brothers and I naturally had many... read more »

  Life Will be Different Now (Ros’ Blog)

Life Will be Different Now (Ros' Blog)

A disabled man sits in a back room, overlooked by all the world, visited a few times a day by a staff member with food, but ignored the rest of the time. Confined to a couch by legs that will not bear his weight,... read more »

  Don’t Just Do Something – Sit There! (Ros’ Blog)

Don’t Just Do Something – Sit There! (Ros' Blog)

I think that Brenda from Bristol spoke for many, if not most, of us when she was told that our Prime Minister has called a snap election. You have probably seen her on TV or social media, exclaiming, “You’re joking! Not another one!” Suddenly... read more »