New Life Special School
170 teachers packed into the New Life special school for the training. The students performed their inclusive dance for delegates before 16 year-old Blanky gave a testimony of her school experience as a wheelchair user, coming from very difficult circumstances but graduating from New Life and giving all the glory to God. She is now studying accountancy and will make a great Christian advocate for disabled people in Guatemala. Delegates seemed to be attentive and made notes on the Bible verses. There was even a retired Banker and self-confessed atheist from Scotland, now working in a special school in Guatemala, who will have heard the Biblical perspective twice – once when I spoke in English, and then again when Amy translated it into Spanish! God’s got a great sense of humour! We then split the delegates into 3 ‘smaller’ workshops of ‘Inclusive Sport/Games’, led by myself (Tim); ‘Strategies in the Classroom’, led by Marie; and ‘Practical Assistance for children with disabilities’, led by Philippa and Julie. Feedback was universally positive and the team felt it was a very positive day.