The joy of sharing God’s Word in Jinja, Uganda

The joy of sharing God’s Word in Jinja, Uganda


Shaun Burrows, Though the Roof's International Missions Manager, shares how God's power transformed disabled people's lives for the better in Uganda on an International Roofbreaker mission trip. The mission was a follow-up to a Wheels for the World trip - to support the community and build on relationships begun during the distribution of wheelchairs and Bibles.

Hearing hope through God's Word

"Whilst on our recent Roofbreaker mission trip in Jinja, Uganda, I witnessed how our work is impacting the lives of those we serve. This includes both those who live with the assurance and the joy of their salvation, and those who are spiritually hungry for the Truth, which might yet be unknown to them. Pointing toward truth and salvation in Jesus is why we were sharing God’s Word in Jinja, Uganda.

I met Thomas, a local man, who sank to his knees, praising God for the gift of the audio Bible he had just received: a testimony expressed through the joy of his salvation. He and his wife Sophia are a lovely couple who live with their severely disabled teenage son and daughter, in stark conditions - alongside the outside wall of a disused factory. For them, the physical needs of their children and the conditions in which they live are relieved by the joy that their children can now hear and learn God’s Word as they lie on their blankets in the shade of an Acacia tree. A truly humbling encounter!

A large group of Ugandan mean and women at a meeting, sitting outdoors on chairs/blankets, wearing colourful clothing, with some in hats/scarves.Three Muslim Imams came to our Roofbreaker event in Jinja. They sat alongside the Christian leaders and heard how spiritual strongholds and false arguments can cultivate the cultural beliefs that cause disabled people to be excluded from society. Returning the following day with approximately sixty people from their Muslim community, they requested Bibles. They wanted to hear more about God’s grace and the salvation that comes through the shedding of blood and not through good works – but by the blood that Jesus Himself shed on the cross.

'The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.'   (James 3: 17–18)

Please join us in praying for the people that encountered Jesus through our work – that God reveals Himself to them more through His Word."

Shaun sent back news from the Jinja Roofbreaker mission trip with stories of lives transformed. Here are just a few of the updates he sent while 'live' on the mission in Uganda.

Starting out - arrival day

"Today is our first Roofbreaker Leaders' Event day. The plan is for each day to be with a different group of people. Although there were only about 20 leaders who attended today, they were all leaders of various kinds of disability ministries - so the message will reach many disabled people. Tomorrow the crowd is expected to consist of church congregations and some disabled people and their families.

We arrived at Entebbe at 09h30 yesterday, and then a 6-hour road trip to Jinja, to meet our local partner contacts. Gill and I are staying in Pastor Joseph's home. Pastor Davis arrived on the bus early this morning and will be staying in another pastor's home nearby.

Prayers are needed for the mission, as the team shares a Christian perspective on disability, showing God's heart for disabled people who are also made in God's image. We pray the communities will love and include disabled people, so everyone is valued."

Life-giving support - on a day out

"Today was Earth Day - when we remember God wants us to steward and protect this planet and everything living on it. Our Uganda mission team had a day out to the source of the Nile and saw life-giving water bubbling up from the underground spring on the west side of Victoria Falls.
Juliet, a Ugandan lady, sits outside her house with her crutches, given to her last year by Through the Roof
We stopped off to visit Juliet who received an audio bible last week and rode home on a bodaboda motorbike. Her daughter Judith was born with leg defects and cannot walk. Juliet herself struggles to walk and uses crutches given to her in 2022 on our previous mission. Juliet said that Judith's father abandoned them when she was born.

We gave Juliet an audio Bible. But we also tried to help practically. Juliet said that she doesn't have a job. After a few phone calls, we were able to arrange a place for Juliet on a course to teach her to make bags and other crafts items to sell.

We want to empower disabled people in developing countries to use their gifts to work and serve their communities. The changing climate does not make this any easier.

We pray for cultural change to change hearts and minds to see people and planet as God sees them."

A day sharing the joy of God's Word in Jinja

"Our Roofbreaker mission trip in Jinja, Uganda, continues. Large crowds, including community leaders, gathered to pray and hear Christian teachings about disability and faith that the team had prepared.

Many local people with sight loss have been gifted audio Bibles in their own language. Moses been completely blind since 2004. He had high blood pressure that caused it. He used to read and understand the bible. But hasn't since 2004. He can now enjoy hearing God’s Word.A Ugandan man (Nathan) in a white striped shirt is handed an audio Bible because he is blind

Nathan has been completely blind for the past 3 years due to pressure on the brain. He has struggled with the way his life has changed, but now his heart is being lifted on hearing God’s faithful promises of hope and a future, read in his local language on the audio Bible from our International Roofbreaker mission. Nathan said: “This audio Bible will be my weapon against boredom and grief.” 

We thank God for watching over the mission and transforming lives."

Could you bring spiritual freedom to someone like Nathan, or to Thomas's disabled children, with a gift of £21 that could provide them an audio Bible?

- Please visit our Through the Roof page on Just Giving at (and put ‘audio Bible’ as a reference in the Message box). Or download, complete and post in this donation form.

Thank you for praying and supporting us in the mission so many lives can be transformed.