Churches Inclusion in Rwanda -- blog seven

Thursday 26th January
As Pastor Trevor’s flight was not until the evening we were able to buy 150 printed bibles for the children, youth and adults financed by Through the Roof. Pastor Dominique was really pleased and we also had time to visit the Bishop of Rwanda who had recently been given responsibility not only for Rwanda, but for South Sudan, Burundi, and Uganda. It was lovely to meet him and his team, he certainly is a wonderful man.
We also got the chance to visit the deaf-blind centre in Kayonza where it was lovely to see the children being taught so well. Most of the children still have some limited sight left, but we are not sure for how long.
All in all it has been a tremendous trip where we have all been blessed and been a blessing to others.
Our thanks go to Pastor Dominique and all the team for all they have done to make the trip such a tremendous success and blessing. All the glory to God. Amen.