Churches Inclusion in Rwanda -- blog two

Friday 20th January
Today we had the privilege of meeting people with special needs and disabilities and those who care for them. There must have been about 40 people present. We talked about Through The Roof and its mission to ‘transform lives with disabled people through Jesus’
Pastor Trevor spoke about people with disabilities having gifts and abilities, and how they can be used by God, where they all have something to offer, having something to teach. He spoke about Moses who had a speech impediment, who did not want to be used by God but God chose him speak to Pharoah, to release the Hebrew people. God can use everyone. He also spoke about his daughter Elin, who has special needs, is in a wheelchair and needing constant care but who is used by God to transform people’s thinking, transform lives and bring people to Christ. That God can use our weaknesses so that His power is more perfectly displayed.
We then broke off into small groups. The question was asked of the group what gifts, skills and anointings do you have and what is God calling you to do for Him?
Some of the comments included
- Being a singer inside the church
- Being an evangelist
- Visiting the sick in hospital
- Advocacy of people with special needs
- Working together to show the love of God and teach others the Word of God
- Translating using sign language
There was a tremendous number of gifts people had and was so encouraging that people were so willing to use them for God’s glory.
Pastor Davis then spoke on faith and mental health that we all face challenges and difficulties which impact our mental health and not having certain skills like not be able to communicate using sign language disables hearing people rather than those who are deaf.
He used the scripture ‘The Lord is near to the broken hearted and saves the crushed in spirit’ and affirmed the Lord is here, we need not worry, He is our Good Shepherd. He gave some statistics on mental health and talked about Elijah and his mental health and how God met his needs. He was a man powerfully used by God but suffered in his mental health and was lonely, depressed and suicidal. God provided food and drink, rest and sleep, and reassured Elijah of his future. Pastor Davis talked through some mental illnesses and some common causes and that mental illnesses can be treated with a good success rate and that like Elijah God can help us and support us.
Some questions followed from the group.
Alexi spoke about parent feeling and spirituality of disability. He spoke about Abraham who believed God and who took his son Isaac to be sacrificed to God. Some people disappoint us when we walk with God but we have to trust God. Our mindsets have to be changed so we trust God completely even when we don’t understand, even when people question us, we have to trust God. Alexi also spoke of Dorcas who died and the trust and faith of her friends and family enabled God’s purposes to be fulfilled through Peter who healed her. We have to believe God. The beggar thought Peter and John on the way to the temple were rich begging for money but received much more from them, God’s healing. We need to believe God and then we too will see God’s provision in our lives.
Enos spoke on spiritual development of people with disability. That we are all equal and that people’s negative words spoken to us can stunt the purpose of God in our lives. Like Moses who said he could not speak to Pharoah. He said we need to change our mindset and using his father as an example who was told there was no point in him going to school because of his disability but he went anyway and now serves and helps those who told him he could not do it. Enos talked about the principle of What Would Jesus Do, seeing ourselves as Jesus sees us, being careful about what we listen to ignoring words that do not line up with God’s truth and choosing to speak with people who encourage you and speak positively about you. Enos said we are not here by accident but God has a plan and purpose for our lives, a good plan to prosper us and to give us a future and a hope. God sees us as mighty people of God.
There was an open invitation for people to accept Jesus and one person came forward and gave their lives to Jesus. Praise God.
The audio bibles were also distributed to this group.
Another wonderful day of blessings and much fruit for the Kingdom of God.