Wheels in Kenya 2021 - Blog 1

Reporting from our supported wheelchair distribution in Elburgon, Kenya. A local team will be fitting people with wheelchairs for the next 6 to 7 weeks (from mid-August through to September), ably assisted remotely by a UK team of therapists and specialists. We'll bring you reports from the in-country Kenyan team as often as communications allow. Please keep praying for the team, both in Kenya and the UK. Thank you for your support!
DAY ONE : 06.08.2021
The day of distribution was highly awaited by all of us with some anxiety especially from the Kenyan team. Most people from Kenya were wondering on how the technology was going to work with our UK team approximately 6000 miles away. The physiotherapist arrived about 30 minutes late since most of them had to report at station of work first. The weather was promising and quite good.
Distribution began with Pastor Davis connecting with the UK team and with prayer, then introduction of both teams.
Many people were helped, and given wheelchairs and other aids. Among them was Julia age 13 years. She had some severe Cerebral Palsy. When she was first seated on the wheelchair, her mother said that “Truly this is the day that God comes by Himself using the donors of this wheelchair, our car. My daughter has never walked nor moved herself from one point to the other, has been forever grounded and restricted. In fact she seem more burden to me and the entire family. Most of the time, I cry and ask questions with no answer. But today a big answer has come. My daughter is enabled to move freely with less support, she will now enjoy sunshine and view of the environment and its beauty. Julia looks happier than ever before. God Bless you servants of God for creating hope in my family. Now, stress is reduced and God will be reigning in my family. Davis, thank you and send my heartfelt thanksgiving to our friends, brothers and sisters in UK.”
Follow this post to read the next story from the distribution