Be a Roofbreaker in your Church or Ministry

Be a Roofbreaker in your Church or Ministry


Do you want to make sure disabled people can come to know Jesus?

Could you be a ‘Roofbreaker’ with the charity Through the Roof?

What is a Roofbreaker?

  • The name comes from the account in Luke’s Gospel Chapter 5 where the four friends bring the paralysed man to Jesus, breaking through the roof.
  • They wanted to remove the barriers preventing their disabled friend from coming to Jesus: and as a Roofbreaker, you can do that too.
  • You don’t need to be an expert in disability. You just need to be available to connect with disabled people, enabling full belonging in your church community.
  • Roofbreakers celebrate and encourage the involvement of disabled people in the life of the church. Just like in the Luke 5 account, when the disabled man met Jesus, everyone benefitted and God was glorified.

What will I do?

  • The main job is to listen to the challenges disabled people tell you they face.
  • The next step is to work with disabled people to find ways around any barriers to church or Christian life.
  • Support and free resources are available from Through the Roof.
  • You can also connect with other Roofbreakers to share information and encourage each other.

Our Roofbreaker project aims to break down the barriers faced by disabled people in Christian life. Follow this link to find out how you can get involved.