'A Unique Voice in Lockdown' - the Summer 2020 Vital Link

'A Unique Voice in Lockdown' - the Summer 2020 Vital Link

The Summer 2020 Vital Link is now available! Like everyone, we've had to make a lot of adjustments to keeping working through Coronavirus pandemic, and a lot of our trips or events have had to be postponed. There's still loads of work continuing, especially with our Roofbreaker Church Inclusion project, and we're excited to tell you all about it. You can download a PDF of the Vital Link below, or please contact us for a print, large print, braille, or CD audio copy.

We've also included a link here to all of the web pages, articles, interviews and videos mentioned in this issue--to hopefully make it easier to take a look at them all.

Here's the video reflecting on a time of shielding that Fiona mentions in her front page article...


Tim was invited to join an online gathering of ‘Pray London’ to highlight the needs of disabled people at this time to a new audience for prayer (you can see Tim at 48:56 mins into the programme, here… Follow this link to watch the Pray London Video).

He also promoted Through the Roof which partnered with Your Neighbour.org who interviewed David and Carrie Grant – musicians and parents to 4 children with additional needs. Watch and listen to their insights on the ‘Leaders Lunches’ video-conference event on: Follow this link to watch the 'Leaders Lunches' Video Event.

Fiona and Ros have both had articles featured on Christian websites: Follow this link to Fiona's article in Woman Alive and Follow this link to Ros' article on disabled leaders in the Bible

You can also read the newsletter in the Joomag viewer with better controls and zooming, if you prefer. Follow this link to the Joomag site version of the Vital Link.