Challenging Times: A Message from Tim, Our Chief Executive

These are challenging and uncertain times for everyone, especially those who are disabled and vulnerable, and so Through the Roof’s mission is as important now as it has ever been. The people that you and all of us at Through the Roof are serving are more adversely affected by having to isolate as they are cut off from family, friends and church.
At this time we all need to look to “God (who) is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) That is why we are currently exploring different methods, activities and tools that can achieve our vital mission in new ways. One example is our new Roofbreaker Facebook group to share ideas, and connect and encourage one another as we seek to reach out to disabled people in the community who are most affected by this coronavirus. Sign-up to join our 270 Roofbreakers to be a part of this.
Things may look a bit different in the coming weeks (and months?) so keep in touch with us to find out more via our website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Naturally, some of our planned activities featured in Vital Link are having to be postponed. We are still fully committed to going ahead with these, God willing, but we are delaying them for now and finding new dates with partners, host venues, leaders and team-members. Our office will continue to function, so please do contact us, although please be patient if you don’t hear from us immediately as most staff will be working remotely.
We will continue to be good stewards of the financial support you and our committed supporters entrust us with. Please do pray that God will multiply our efforts to continue to Enable Faith, Bring Freedom and Encourage Friendship.
Stay safe, keep looking to Jesus, and let us know if there is anything we can do to serve you or disabled people well at this time.
Thanks and Blessings
In Jesus’ Name