Wheelsblog: Kumi, Uganda 2020 -- Day 5

We've got a fantastic team working for Wheels for the World in Kumi, Uganda from the 4th to the 15th February. They'll be sending back updates as often as possible, and we're looking forward to sharing the trip, and the stories of lives changed through the gift of a wheelchair. Here's the team's fifth report, written by team member, Peter Bailey...
Kumi Mission Group Blog - Day 5
Isiah Chapter 55, verse 8 teaches us that
"...my thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways my ways."
It was likely this text that inspired the saying "God works in mysterious ways."
And how poignant this seemed as we arrived at Kumi Hospital on the morning of the fifth day. Having treated around 50 patients the previous afternoon, distributed all our wheelchairs and cleared our equipment away, we had left that evening feeling we had achieved all that this mission had required of us.
Yet, as we arrived to complete our final tidy up, there in the waiting room were several new patients. Our immediate concern was how we could possibly meet their needs without wheelchairs and few other appliances. But, in one of God's "mysterious ways", the scant equipment we did have was a match for the various afflictions that needed treating.
Like Sasetine who had a serious car accident 7 years ago and who was really struggling with her mobility with old, ill fitting crutches. How delighted she was with the newly fitted, lightweight pair we provided. Similarly John who was 65 years old and who fractured his hip in a motorcycle accident. He quickly mastered his new elbow crutches and thanked us profusely. Then there was 75 year old Elizabeth who was experiencing great difficulty moving around her home and her community. She was so grateful for the support she would now have from her new walking sticks.
But it was our youngest patient, 5 year old Alex, who left us no doubt of the higher power at work through us that morning. Alex had cerebal palsy, and his father had left Alex and his mother after the palsy was diagnosed.
Alex's mother had only heard about our work the day before and had travelled a long way to seek help for her son.
When she realised that the team had only come to the hospital that day to finalise a few things she had tears in her eyes and openly thanked God for the blessing of the only remaining three wheeler walker. Not only would her son no longer have to crawl or be carried everywhere but our therapist also expressed confidence in Alex being able to walk unaided one day with the appropriate encouragement and practise.
As we left the hospital we were all struck by the realisation of how completely unexpected the morning had been. Yet how, in our hearts, we truly felt that we now really had given our all to the mission.