Churches Inc in Kosovo: Day Two

The Churches Inc team are hard at work in Kosovo from the 29th April to the 6th May, bringing a message of inclusion for disabled people, and working with the church and leaders there to help communities welcome, encourage, and support disabled people. Please pray for them on their trip - we'll bring you blog posts from them as often as they're able to send them through. Here's the post from Day two of their trip...
Today we visited the only special needs school in Kosovo. It specialises in teaching for the deaf. More of a fact finding visit than a workshop opportunity. It is a Bank Holiday today so only a few children in school. Very interesting for me especially (Alison) as my background is in this area. We met two lovely girls who are deaf. Both had been in main stream schools and chosen to come back. We were able to say why we were here and ask them about how they felt deaf people were included in society. They were both very positive about their lives. The school is doing a wonderful job.