Katie Budd – Through the Roof Roofbreaker Team Leader and Co-ordinator for Wales, West and South West of England

Katie is Team Leader for the Through the Roof 'Roofbreaker' project which aims to equip, encourage and resource volunteer disability champions in churches and ministries across the UK. She also has a particular focus on reaching churches in Wales, West and South West England.
Katie has Cerebral Palsy and is a wheelchair user. She has a background in health and social care law and disability advocacy in the NHS and charity sector. Katie works alongside people with a range of disabilities and access needs, through her work with Through the Roof and in her local church. She has a passion to see people Access, and Belong within the church family and be Commissioned to use their gifts and skills for God’s Kingdom.
Katie lives in Cardiff with her husband Andrew and enjoys spending time with family and friends, a good cup of coffee and a trip to a museum or the coast (depending on the fabulous Welsh weather!). You can contact Katie at katie@throughtheroof.org.