Wheels in Nigeria 2018: Day 5

A Wheels team of ten people are hard at work in Nigeria this week - they'll be there from the 14th to the 24th November, and we'll bring you stories from their trip as often as the internet connection allows. Please keep praying for them as they work!
Today was our second day in Festac, Lagos. The team had a very busy, chaotic (at times) but amazing day. Two particular recipients stick in my mind. Fawasi is 18 years old and is cared for by his elderly grandmother. He is unable to speak or walk due to cerebral palsy. Due to her frail health his grandmother is no longer able to lift him. They travelled a long distance to the distribution today. Lynne fitted Fawasi with a wheelchair so Granny can take him out and about and care for him more easily. She also educated Granny as to how to position Fawasi in bed with the mattress and pillows they would take home with them. It was wonderful to see Fawasi so very relaxed and almost asleep with his new sleep system. His Granny was completely overwhelmed with gratitude to God for His blessings.
Big Mamma has been walking with extraordinary difficulty for the last 50 years, following an accident as a child. She cannot feel her legs at all, so it is amazing that she can 'walk' like this at all. She was so excited to receive this wheelchair, saying it would be life changing for her - she would be able to go to the shops, sing at Church, and nobody would stare at her any more. Helping this dear lady was a profound experience for Beth and Sally.