Wheelsblog Kenya 2018 - Days 1 to 3

The Wheels for the World team are working around Elburgon, Kenya from the 5th to 15th September, bringing wheelchairs to disabled people around the area, and changing lives with the gift of mobility. We'll be putting up their blog posts just as often as the internet connection lets them send them - here's a condensed report from team member Jill on the first three days of the trip. Please do keep praying for everyone involved with the distribution, and for everyone who receives a chair or mobility aid.
We had an excellent journey and our large team of 11, compared with a team of 5 in 2016, have arrived safely and settled into the accommodation. We are waiting to watch many lives transformed through the gift of a wheelchair, mobility aid and bible.
The container was considerably delayed and still at Mombassa when the team arrived. After much prayer Pastor Davis flew to Mombassa again, having already spent days previously travelling on a bus, (1200km round trip) without successful clearance. This time he was able to contact government officials and with their intervention the container was released and driven overnight to arrive at the Centre early Friday morning.... with God nothing is impossible.
On Friday after sorting the equipment and setting up work stations we began work. There were many complex cases involving team discussions but after an 11 hour day the team had seen 33 clients. Michael, a Children’s pastor in Kimilili, has joined the team and is using hand puppets to tell about God’s love. Many children took home knitted puppets to share stories with their families. We are being well served by the team from Pastor Davis’ church and ladies in the kitchen are preparing lunch for us each day.
After 3 long and exhausting days the team are going on safari tomorrow and are hoping to see a wide variety of animals before returning to explore our local town (follow this link to read Day 4's report about this trip). We shall be joining Pastor Davis’ congregation on Sunday to experience a truly African welcome as we share a little about the work of Wheels for the World.