Churches Inc in Tanzania: Day 6

Janet, Abi, Katie, and Shaun are working in Tanzania from the 6th to 16th June, delivering and supporting Churches Inc leaders events and workshops. Our Churches Inc. programme equips the church with a Christian perspective on disability, helping them to be fully inclusive so everyone is valued. Here's their report on the sixth day - Follow this link to the team's day 5 blog.
Day 6:
Shaun left this morning to travel back to the UK.
For the rest of the team today was our last day of workshops, with some of the same people from yesterday and some new ones who joined us.
Abi acted as children’s coordinator again, teaching the children (and playing quite a lot too!)
Katie spoke about Psalm 139. People seemed to respond really well to this and it sparked off lots of conversation with testimonies and experiences being shared.
Esther, the blind lady we met on one of our home visits, had the opportunity to sing a song she had written herself about her experiences. She also gave a message about the nature of true faith in Jesus and her desire to bring others to know him.
We had lots of opportunities to pray and worship today. Katie sang ‘In Christ Alone’ and even Beatrice our interpreter joined in leading a worship song.
We finished with an inclusive Bible story about the parable of the banquet followed by a worship session which would have been fit for any banquet.
The team is rather tired now. We’re off to the Serengeti tomorrow and just hoping we don’t fall asleep in the midst of the lions den!
Katie with Helena.