A Roofbreaker Guide to Disability Benefits Applications and Appeals

A Roofbreaker Guide to Disability benefits applications and appealsWe feel it would be a great asset to churches if they had someone who could steer disabled people through the minefield that is the benefits claim. So we have put together some helpful information about claiming benefits, and about how the system works, to equip you to help in this area. And because we are not ourselves a financially regulated organisation and so legally cannot give financial advice, we have included information to point you to other organisations who can give you more detailed advice, information and training if this would be useful to you. Please download a copy, and let us know how you end up using it. It's a PDF file - please let us know if you'd prefer a different format.
- A Roofbreaker Guide to Disability benefits applications and appeals (All information correct as of 3rd January 2018)