Easy Access Church in Ewell

You're all invited to 'EACh' (Easy Access Church, a place where all are welcomed, included and encouraged), a new event run with Churches Together in Ewell.
A short church service especially geared for those with disabilities but open to all - followed by refreshments.
The first 'EACh' service will be on Sunday 28th January 2018 at 3PM at All Saints Church Hall, Fulford Road West Ewell, KT19 9QY.
All are welcome – please share this with anyone in the area who might be interested.
The next event will be on Sun 25 March 2018,
Everyone is also invited to a similar service at St Peters Woodmansterne (SM7 3NR) 3pm on Sunday 18/2/18
To find out more, please contact <A HREF="mailto:paula.smith@mybroadbandmail.com" TITLE="follow this link to email Paula Smith">Paula Smith</A> 0208 337 2957 or 07702421345