Kumi Wheelsblog: Final Thoughts

The Wheels for the World team spent ten days working hard in Kumi, Uganda from the 14th to 24th June. As they head home, here are some final thoughts from team leader, Rob...
Last day in Uganda. In a few hours some of the team fly back. 3 others are doing their own separate travels.
As I reflect on the trip- it has been hard going. But good.
God is good.
Joni Erickson apparently ends all her emails with 'God is good'. I feel that is an apt end for this broadcast.
I hope you have seen your prayers at work and enjoyed the journey with us in the highs and lows. We thank the God who is good for the work done and of course your support.
If you would like to think about coming on a wheels trip one day, please follow this link and see what is coming up next.
Thank you all.