Kumi Wheelsblog: Day 6

The Wheels for the World team are hard at work in Kumi, Uganda from the 14th to 24th June. We'll be bringing you all their updates as often as we can...
Today was another happy and positive day of fitting chairs.
Finding ourselves in the national newspaper was a surprise... thankfully we were quoted well.
Today we met a lovely man called Lawrence. He is in his 90's, blind from birth and had leprosy. He has no fingers or toes.
We went to visit his house - he and his wife live in one room, she is worried about him falling if he ever walks out of the house.
It was our joy to give him a chair, something they could never afford.
Seeing Lawrence reminded me of the story of Lazarus. That story shows how Jesus can restore all things, all disability and even death with 3 words. It reminded me that if Lawrence trusts in Jesus he will be dancing with the Lord one day. He got a bible and Mike prayed with him.
Tomorrow we hope to give out our last 12 chairs. The rest have been given out.
We also plan to have a bit of a volunteer party in the evening to thank our local helpers who have been invaluable.
Thank you all for your prayers- I hope you are encouraged to see your prayers so tangibility at work in helping us.