Kumi Wheelsblog: Day 5

The Wheels for the World team are hard at work in Kumi, Uganda from the 14th to 24th June. We'll be bringing you all their updates as often as we can...
Today was a new day! And it could not have been more different than yesterday.
It was still busy - we saw 39! But we had a new plan for avoiding working in the dark like last night.
We saw our first real lot of adults today. These clients are normally less complex and require less time to fit the chair, needing less foam and less customization of the chair.
However one child we saw was one of the most difficult we had seen -- she had a type of soft bone disease, where just to pick her up could break bones. We almost didn't give her a chair as too dangerous - however Mavali decided to think outside the box and make an amazing soft basket the child could sit in that went inside a larger wheelchair. (Pic coming tomorrow).
One of the highs of the day was this lady. She was paralysed on one side and needed a one handed wheelchair. In a God moment Mavali found a one handed chair we didn't know was there, that fitted her size and even had the drive wheel on the side she needed! Amazing to see her learning how to use it and moving independently from A to B.
So as you can see your prayers are hard at work, so please keep them coming. We have only 30 chairs left. It may be difficult if people continue to come and are turned away empty handed. I am dreading this situation so please pray it would work out. Thank you all!