Kumi Wheelsblog: Day 1

The Wheels for the World team are in Uganda, working in Kumi from the 14th to 24th June. Here's the first report back - we'll be keeping you up to date as often as time and internet connections allow.
First time for Wheels in Kumi and it was in at the deep end! Almost all of those who came were very complex. The team worked amazingly well, even until after dark to make sure people got the right chairs.
So many stories from today. One mother was really worried about coming - she had to be convinced by the community worker just to turn up with her child. "He can't sit up so they will never find a chair for him" she said. After spending over 2 hours with Mavali, one of our newest therapists, they rolled out with a heavily adjusted chair that supported in all the right ways. The mom called that community worker this evening to say what a life-changing thing this was and how she couldn't believe how it went.
So many creations and adaptations, made easier by full use of an ortho workshop and staff - power tools, benches, stand drills, all made the work slightly easier.
So a good first day. But we are realizing that this is going to be a distribution of complex children and lots of creative work ahead. Thankfully on Wheels this is why we are here and we are doing in Gods grace what we love.
Please pray for tomorrow as we continue to share the love of God in action and for energy for the team. Thank you all.