Wheelsblog - Kenya, Eldoret 4

Here's the fourth report from the Wheels team in Eldoret, Kenya, written by team leader, Rob Dalton. The team will be on their way back on the 17th Feburary.
We are here working for God, but in truth God is working in us.
Coming away on a mission trip can be a time where God teaches you things to challenge and grow.
Every evening we have had 'Team Time' a time to study Gods word, sing and pray. For tonight's team time we split into groups and prayed deeply for each other as we prepare to re-enter western life. So many stories and joys as well as heartaches and sadness of situations we have seen.
The distribution itself today went well! Children with complex seating needs went away with a safe and practical wheelchair thanks to many joint-efforts between the team.
We had to say goodbye to Lauren this evening as she heads back a day early - her first wheels trip (but you wouldn't have noticed). What a legend. Pray for her as she travels back alone tonight and tomorrow!
Tomorrow he rest of us depart back. Full of thankfulness for God's mercy and grace to all.
Plus we (I) made a Fort with the leftover foam... why not...