Opportunity for Churches: Reaching the Most Unreached People

Opportunity for Churches: Reaching the Most Unreached People

90% – 95% of the world’s disabled people die without ever hearing the Gospel, according to the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. Disabled people are one of the world’s most unreached people groups. Christian disability charity Through the Roof would like to partner with churches to change that and is inviting UK churches to participate in a new survey into churches’ experience of their disabled members.

Training Resources Developer Ros Dakin explains, “We want to hear from churches about all the creative ways in which they are engaging with the disabled members of their communities, and also any questions they have about how they can serve disabled people in the spirit of Luke 14, the Scripture in which Jesus reminds us that without disabled people His house is not full.”

You do not have to be a church minister to take part in this survey; Through the Roof would love to hear from both ministers and church members who can submit answers to the following four questions:

  1. What one thing do you want to know about disability?
  2. What is the biggest insight you have received from disabled people and their families about the Christian journey of faith?
  3. How are disabled people in your church exercising their gifts to build God's kingdom?
  4. Do you have an example of your provision for disabled people that could encourage other churches?

(please use the following to shape your response...

  • Name of activity/project
  • Why do you do what you do? (your motivation)
  • Whom do you serve?
  • What do you do?
  • How do you do it?
  • Where and when does it happen?

Answers can be submitted by email to our office, by post to Ros Dakin, Through the Roof, PO Box 353, Epsom, KT18 5WS or by telephoning 01372 737042. You can also reply by posting to our Facebook page, or tweet your replies to us, @TTR_uk. The questions can be supplied in large print or braille on request.

In 2014 Through the Roof carried out a survey into disabled people’s experience of church in the UK. The survey revealed some examples of excellent practice in churches around the country, but also some unfulfilled needs. The two biggest findings were a need among disabled Christians for genuine, reciprocal, fulfilling friendships, and a wealth of spiritual experience and gifting which disabled Christians are longing to share with their sisters and brothers in Christ. The full results of the survey, together with an extensive index of resources to help churches address the issues raised by disabled people, have been published under the title All of Us Complete in Christ, and can be downloaded free from our website.