Teaching in Action (Mozambique Day two and three)

Our Churches Inc team are working in Mozambique until the 24th August. The four-person team will be training local people in inclusion of disabled people from a Christian perspective, and working with One Mission Society in the city of Maputo - you can find out more about our partners by following this link to their blog. We hope to bring you updates as often as we can - Follow this link to see everything from the trip so far...
Nigel reports...
'Long day today with home visits nearer the city centre after the morning training sessions. Kerry reports that she is particularly impressed at how the church members are responding to all our inputs and are enthusiastic for helping further the disabled people in their areas. Tomorrow afternoon sees an event in the 'T3' zone church for mothers with their disabled children. The idea is to create support activities for them, and interaction between parents.
Jesus' compassion is being effectively modelled through the church members. It's rewarding for us to be able to encourage them and accompany them in the contact with families.'
And yesterday, Jillian wrote,
'Today we started our training in Khongolote, Nigel began by bringing our attention to how important it was to help everyone understand God's heart - his love and how he cares equally for everyone. Kerry shared personally how disability affected her family and how it can affect us all, Jillian and Heather took a practical lesson on the use of walking aids and everyone was thoroughly engaged in that. It was very encouraging later in the day when out on house visits to hear some of the helping hands volunteers using the information so effectively. They had understood our teaching and now they are putting it into action.'