Churches Inc in Mozambique - Day One

Our Churches Inc team have arrived safely in Mozambique, where they'll be working until the 24th. The four-person team will be training local people in inclusion of disabled people from a Christian perspective, and working with One Mission Society in the city of Maputo - you can find out more about our partners by following this link to their blog. The team will be in Mozambique for 10 days, and we hope to bring you updates as often as we can - Follow this link to see everything from the trip so far...
Team Leader, Nigel, writes... The team is all together for the first full day at the OMS / Helping Hands compound in Machava, just outside Maputo. We have been beautifully welcomed by the missionaries here, and Kerry and Nigel met the facilitator and workshop engineers at the Helping Hands project yesterday. Impressive to see a good mobility workshop in operation and good stock of wheelchairs from Northern Ireland. Our training will be to 12-15 key people in the Living Word Evangelical Church including two from Zambezia Province way up north: so they will be developing the disability work through the churches there. We are all happy and well! More news from us daily. Next instalment after our Sunday activities. Thanks for your prayer support. Blessings from us, Nigel, Heather, Jillian and Kerry (the order in the photo above)