Kosovo Final Day - Tying up Loose Ends

Through the Roof's Wheels for the World team are in Kosovo from the 17th June to the 26th - Linda from the team is sending in reports and blogs as time and internet connection allow. Check back here, Follow this link to read other blog posts from the Kosovo 2015 trip or visit Facebook for more.
Today has been all about tying up loose ends, and reflecting on our time here so that we can learn lessons for future 'wheels' trips. For all of us it is with sad hearts that we are leaving, as we have become so close to our colleagues here. Kosovo has got under our skin. It's such a special place - a brave new country trying to move forward and put the past behind it, and its been a privilege to be a tiny part of that. It's amazing to think that only just over a week ago we arrived here, and how much we have learned. We pray that our trip has had a positive lasting impact in the provision of wheelchairs and education. God bless and protect our new friends, and all our clients and their families.