Kosovo Day 2 - Our Reflections

Through the Roof's Wheels for the World team are in Kosovo from the 17th June to the 26th - they'll be sending in reports and blogs as time and internet connection allow. Check back here, Follow this link to read other blog posts from the Kosovo 2015 trip or visit Facebook for more.
'What an amazing day! After a fabulous breakfast provided by our wonderful hosts, Tim and Leta at Smile, we were ready and eager to set off for our first distribution. Our venue was the basement of the pastor's house in Gjakova, and we arrived to find it full of wheelchairs, walking aids, and assorted helpful items. The first hour was spent preparing ourselves, and meeting our Kosovan colleagues who would be assisting and interpreting for us, then the flood gates opened and our 'customers' poured in. There was no time to be nervous, and soon the place was buzzing with chatter, activity, and laughter, as we were able to provide wheelchairs, advice, prayer and love to those needing our help. We provided 18 wheelchairs today, some rather tricky to get right, but resulting from fantastic team work guided by God. We had hoped for more people to come to us today, but there is another chance for them to come next week. Pray that those who need our care will do so then.
Tomorrow we are heading out to Prizren for another day at a Handicos centre- watch this space for our news tomorrow!'