International Trips 2016

Through the Roof have trips planned right through into 2016 at the moment, with both our Wheels for the World and Churches Inc programmes. If you're interested in volunteering, or supporting these life-changing trips, please contact our International Missions Manager, Reninca, by email by following this link
Here are our planned trips for 2016.
- 10th to 20th February 2016 – Ghana, Accra, Wheels for the World, with one person providing Churches Inc training – Postponed from October 2015. Trip is FULL
- 17th to 26th February 2016 – Kenya, Eldoret, Wheels for the World, partnering with CBR and Liza and David Cooke – Trip needs therapists, technicians, administrators and pastor
- 31st August to 10th September 2016 – Kenya, Elburgon, Wheels for the World, partnering with Pastor Davis and Nyeri Hospice – All positions available
- October 2016 – Uganda, Kampala, Wheels for the World & Churches Inc International, partnering with RILD – All positions available, and people needed to provide training alongside wheelchair distribution
- March 28th - April 7th 2015 (over School Easter holidays) – Uganda, Churches Inc Training trip - All spaces for anyone interested. Our partner is RILD (Response Initiative for Learning Disabilities) follow this link to visit the RILD Uganda website Cost: £500 + flights.
- May 1st - 10th 2015 - Kenya, Eldoret with WFTW - All spaces for anyone interested - Partner is Liza Cooke (follow this link to visit David and Liza Cooke's website), we are returning after a mini visit last year. Cost: £650 + flights
Each trip changes hundreds of lives, but costs thousands of pounds to run. Could you help, by fundraising or making a donation?