International Newsletter - July 2014

Once a month, we send out an email newsletter to supporters, volunteers and friends of our International Missions trips. If you'd like to receive these emails, please get in touch with us - follow this link to email Reninca at Through the Roof. Here's the July issue...
Uganda WFTW Trip
Dates: Wed Oct 22nd arriving home morning Sat 1st Nov
We still need therapists for this trip to visit RILD on the outskirts of Kampala in Uganda. We will be sending the container at the end of July but will have to cancel the trip if we do not have the sufficient mix of skills needed. RILD are excellent hosts and lovely, Godly people who share Through the Roof’s heart and passion for empowering disabled people. There are many in need of a wheelchair or rehabilitative device. Please get in touch ASAP if you are interested or have any questions.
The WFTW team just returned from a successful Mission Trip to Kosovo. It was very different to an Africa trip but the real needs were apparent. The team did a lot of home visits to some very vulnerable people. Even though the war ended 15 years ago it had a real impact on the country. Kosovo is 95% Muslim with the majority being cultural Muslims as opposed to attending the mosque regularly. We managed to share the gospel with some who had never heard the word of Jesus before and give out some Bibles to those who had never had or heard the Word of God before. Everyone enjoyed it.
You can check out the blogs at
We are looking to recruit some volunteers for the Aldershot unit to help with sorting, organising and wheelchair repairs. This could be once or twice a month for 2- 4 hours. Even if you can’t yourself commit to volunteering we may need some people to assist in training volunteers. Please let me know if you would be interested or able to assist in training volunteers or volunteering yourself.
We want to increase the amount of corporate prayer for international trips and TTR. From September we are having monthly Monday night prayer meetings. We will try and time these around when the trips are happening so we can pray for the trips specifically as well as other TTR needs. In January we hope to have a specific Prayer Conference where we can meet for a day and get together to pray together for the future. Look out for the date TBC. Even if you can’t get to the TTR office to pray please join us praying wherever you are.
The dates of these meetings for the next term are:
- Monday September 23rd 6.30 – 7.30 TTR Office (this is when Integr8 team are in Moldova)
- Monday October 27th 6.30 – 7.30 TTR Office(this is when WFTW team are in Uganda)
- Monday November 17th 6.30 – 7.30 TTR Office
- Monday December 15th 6.30- 7.30 TTR Office
I was reading this morning and it seemed fitting to share with you.
Acts 6:4 But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.
‘God has issued some dramatic calls to service. Moses heard His voice from a burning bush (Ex. 3). Isaiah saw a vision of heaven’s throne room (Isa. 6). However, a spectacle is the exception rather than the rule. For most who follow the Lord to the mission field, His call is a persistent tug on the heart. It is a whisper in their spirit asking, “How will they know God unless someone tells them?” (Rom. 10:14).
People can try to ignore the heart tug, block the ever-present question with activity, or satisfy it by giving money rather than themselves. Some outright say no. But the call persists. God’s will is set and His plan is steadfast. Though we may run, we can’t escape His call to obey (Jonah 1:1; 3:1).
Carrying the gospel is a great opportunity to serve God. What better way to thank Him for saving us and writing our name in the Book of Life than to share that experience with others. If the Lord’s still small voice is calling you, say yes and see what amazing, life-changing work He can do through you.’
Other dates
Don’t forget the International Mission Day on 6th September from 10am- 2:30pm in TTR Office.
Also November 15th Team Leader Training in TTR Office from 10am – 3pm