Wheels in Kosovo - Days 7 & 8

Our Wheels for the World team are working in Kosovo during June - you can catch up on all their updates by following this link.
Tuesday 17th June
This morning everyone woke up to thunder, lightning and heavy rain. Our morning routine of breakfast, prayer and washing up seemed like clockwork now. With all seven of us managing one bathroom without any problems!
We travelled to the depot ready for a day of giving out wheelchairs and work. The team got straight on it with people arriving in all sorts of different ways. One man was bought on a horse and cart was over the moon with his new wheelchair, as it meant that he could move independently.
The team doubled up for a couple of fittings and the techies worked hard at making modifications. It was a busy morning with a steady flow of people. There were lots of home visits with one therapist going out with a techie, and seeing some difficult cases. One of the lows of the day was a young man who came to be seen who had many deformities but had two casts on his legs. The father explained that he had no money to get the casts taken off and they had been on for many months. The wounds smelt bad so Rob who is a nurse went with them to hospital to see if they could get the casts taken off. Unfortunately the doctor was not there and they were unable to do it without him being there. The plan is for him to go tomorrow.
Reninca was praying with people. When she asked one lady if she wanted to accept Jesus her answer was ’ no, no I have no space in my house,’ showing that she had never ever heard the word of God and the name of Jesus! For many people it is hearing the gospel for the first time and is the first Bible they have ever received. For people in Kosova accepting Jesus comes with a big cost.
The team left and visited the Smile International Palliative Care Centre, dropping off some wheelchairs. In the evening we went for a yummy meal and then went to the supermarket before returning home to play board games and have fun as a team.
Wednesday 18th June
The team travelled to Prizren this morning which is about 45 min away and is known as little Istanbul. It has had a huge Turkish influence and really was like Istanbul. We travelled to the Handikos centre and it was wonderful to see what a well-equipped and organised center it was.
There were four staff, a manager, physio, teacher and driver. The driver bought people back and forth from the centre. The physio and the teacher were very interested in learning. The physio spent time with Pam, and Pam trained in her in what she was doing to extend her knowledge. Jill and Sue spent time together fitting wheelchairs and buggies. We saw range of children and adults, including a community leader who was a widower with 9 children.
The team went for a lovely lunch overlooking the beautiful hills of Prizren. The team then climbed the hill overlooking the city to get to a view at the top. This was beautiful but began to pour so everyone got soaked on the way down. But lots of fun and the view was definitely worth it.
We then split into two groups, one going back to the house and the other to do a home visit to the client we saw yesterday. He had been to the hospital and had his cast taken off. He had pressure sores and wounds which had not been dressed which was distressing for the team. The father said ’even a dog would be treated better’. The team worked together to support him.
Once the team got together we went to the local supermarket to buy gifts for home. Before returning home for debrief, food and fun.