Wheels in Kimilili - Day 5 - Sunday, the day of rest...!

New Wheels team member, and excellent blogger, Charlotte continues to describe her experiences of Wheels for the World in Kimilili, Kenya. You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link.
Today we split into 4 groups and went to different churches with members of the IcFEM team. The general consensus over dinner was the day was tiring but great!
Rob and I went with Michael Mwijana. We started the day by riding on the back of a push-bike - a boda boda. It was a crazy ride - I can't believe how well the men cycle... hey plough through the mud with a wobbly English woman on the back and don't even get out of breath!
Michael is a children's pastor in the local area. Today he lead a children's service at the local Anglican church - Anglican Church of Kenya. It was a fantastic Gospel-centered message focusing on the cross and what Jesus did for us. It was amazing to see the children really focus on the preaching. They sat so well for almost 2 hours. They also sang beautifully and danced for the congregation.
Straight afterwards we went to Crisco Pentecostal church (Michael's regular church). This was much bigger with approximately 200 people. Sadly we missed the worship at the beginning but arrived in time for the sermon. It was a 10 point sermon focusing on how we should act if the enemy (devil) comes attacking. The sermon was much longer and very in-depth, but there was an interpreter so we could understand the whole thing. Again, I was amazed at how well everyone listened for the length of time - in the heat too!
Afterward, Rob and I spent the afternoon at Michael's home. We were cared for so well. Michael and Irene have 7 children living at home, many chickens and a kitten called fluff. We sat with the family in the living room for most of the afternoon. A couple of visitors came and went. Rob and I made the chapati for the family. They killed a chicken for the family dinner in the garden... exceptionally quick field to fork principle!
After sharing a lovely meal and fellowship with the family, we returned to the IcFEM guesthouse for a second dinner!
We have had a powercut here and the rumour is that something has been struck by lightening and we are unsure whether we will have power for the rest of the week. Please pray for us in this, that the Lord would provide us power in his due time.
Prayer points
- - Praise for the blessings from the church service today
- - Prayer that we would have wisdom in distributing wheelchairs again at IcFEM tomorrow
- - Prayer for the pastors and team as we continue to share Christ's love with the people in and around Kimilili
- - Prayer for the team, that we would continue to have Jesus 1st in our hearts
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