No Half Measures! (Ros' Blog)

I’m continuing my study of John’s Gospel, finding tremendous encouragement in its pages, and also reading several authors who have mined its treasures before me and have light to shed on its words. Here is a thought on Chapter 2 from Jean Vanier’s book ‘Drawn Into the Mystery of Jesus Through the Gospel of John’:
“Jesus reveals that our final destiny is love, and that we are all called to a sacred wedding feast. But to live this celebration the waters of our humanity have to be transformed into the wine of Divine love.”
What a marvellous thought, that the destiny for which we were created is to know the overwhelming and unconditional love of our Father God. This got me thinking about both the work we do here at Through the Roof, and you, our friends and supporters.
It may be that people who are limited by physical difficulties or learning disabilities sometimes find it hard to see how they can play their part in God’s kingdom alongside those who have no such limitations and can, for example, freely go where they want without assistance, see and hear the people they are ministering to, and so on.
Yet the good news from the story of the wedding at Cana is that the very simple, basic and ordinary substance of our lives – the water, if you like, can be transformed by a single word from Jesus into the wine of His love. The only prerequisite is that we give it to Him and obey what He tells us to do with it.
If we take some time to still ourselves in God’s presence and very deliberately offer to Him all that we are and have, He will transform it into something that brings joy and celebration to all with whom we come into contact. The only proviso is that we be filled with water – and in chapter 4 Jesus explains that He is the source of the water that satisfies our deepest thirst. As we rest beside the well that is Jesus Himself, drawing on His life, He fills us with the water of His Spirit that can be transformed into the wine of His joy for us to share with a world that badly needs it.
And there is no stinginess in God. Those 6 jars that were filled with water held approximately 180 gallons. There was a superabundance of wine, more than enough for everyone at the feast, and according to the chief steward, it was not cheap plonk but “the best wine”.
That reminds me of another miracle Jesus performed, mentioned in John chapter 6. Five thousand men and their wives and children were in need of food, and the only person who had anything to eat was a young lad with five barley loaves and a couple of small fish. In the hands of Jesus that packed lunch was multiplied enough not only to feed the waiting crowd, but twelve basketfuls of the leftovers were collected up afterwards.
It seems that whether it’s humble bread or plain water, anything we give to Jesus is not only transformed in His hands but multiplied until there is an excess, way beyond what we need. Surely the only reason for that is so that we can be a blessing and give to those around us in need. And that applies whether or not we are limited by some kind of disability. A kind word to a carer, a simple testimony of what Jesus has done in our lives, or a sermon in front of a television audience of thousands – it makes no difference. Jesus can use whatever we are able to offer.
May the little that we do here at Through the Roof be multiplied in the hands of Jesus into an abundance to bring His food, His life, to those who need it and have not yet received from Him.
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