Tee Off for the TTR Golf Day

Through the Roof will be hosting a unique 4-in-1 golf day on Thursday 8th May at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club in Leatherhead. Come along and show off your skills, or enjoy a day of socialising with other players, all while raising funds for TTR's work.
There'll be ...
- An 18 Holes Stableford Competition, sponsored by Beigebell
- A Blindfolded Putting Competition
- A Wheelchair-seated Longest Drive Competition, sponsored by The Mellor Practice
- A Wii Golf Challenge
- Sponsorship by Benross Golf
Something to challenge everybody!
The day will cost £65 per head, which includes:
- Coffee and bacon rolls on arrival (registration from 8am)
- Competitions (as above, plus 'nearest the pin' and longest drive: Men and Women)
- Two course lunch
If you're interested in taking part, either as an individual or part of a group, please contact Margaret at Through the Roof on 01372 749955, or by following this link to email her.
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Photo of a golf ball on the tee credit:
chispita_666 /
Creative Commons
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