'London to Brighton' and back?!

Supporter, Angie Wickenden, is aiming to cycle the equivalent of London to Brighton in order to raise funds for Wheels for the World and Disability Initiative (another Surrey-based disability charity).
Each day throughout June teams will be using MOTOmed equipment (which enables people to cycle passively, with some assistance, or completely using their own muscle power) to cycle as far as they can each day. At the time of writing, Angie's team, the "Wednesday Whizzers" were in the lead on their first day, having got almost half way to 'Brighton' by lunchtime!
This is a great inclusive fundraiser with more people hearing about the work of both organisations, getting fitter, and raising much-needed funds at the same time. A big THANK YOU to Angie and all those taking part.
Disability Initiative is handling all the sponsorship on behalf of the two charities. If you’d like to make a donation, please call them on 01276 676302
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